Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall is here if just for the day and I confess....OMG I FEEL LIKE SUCH A

Got that 1st Fall run in today and gotta say that skipping my run on Monday cuz the weather was abysmal and I was just not ready to pull out anything more then the spring rain gear.

Now for the confession

I run in fivefingers and I love it.........If you haven't  tried these shoes I can only say that if adding more strength to your foot, ankles, knees, hips, making your pelvic girdle tuck in, and  add more power to your spine is not intriguing then don't try them on let alone run in them..
First time running in them was pretty much OMG I FEEL LIKE SUCH A
HOWEVER, by the time I was two miles into the run........................ some how was transported back  in evolution to being a just man running without shoes across the landscape. I find my self looking for grass to run on to feel the grip of my toes in the earth thrusting into the grass digging in and pushing my feet forward.

It took about about three runs to get back to what I like to call my running floor.   What's the minimum I have to be able to run and will do anything to keep this floor from falling below.So if I go two day or 20 days I have to be able to slide into these shoes which I lovelingly refer to as feet condoms, and go run 6 miles.

 I dont care if the run is hard and time is long  I have to be able to run 6 miles. 
Is this just me.....Does anyone else have a running floor? Comment back and I am always looking for other runners in socailmedia. So there you have it I run in vibram's fivefingers and it's got to be a long run anything under an hour of running is a quickie.

Thinking about doing a run on Friday anyone want to join me...It's going to be 6 miles @ a minimum.

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